
Ines Peta

Ines Peta
Ines Peta is a graduate in Foreign Languages and Literatures from the University of Naples "L'Orientale". She translated the book "Le meraviglie del cuore" by Abu Ḥamid al-Ġazali (Leone Verde, Turin 2006) from Arabic into Italian. In 2010 she obtained a double PhD title in Philosophy, Sciences and Culture of Late-Antiquity, Middle Ages and Renaissance and Lettres-philosophie through a partnership between the University of Salerno and the University of Saint-Joseph of Beirut. She published the specialised study “Il Radd pseudo-ġazāliano: Paternità, Contenuti, Traduzione” (OSM, Palermo 2013). She was a professor of Arabic at the University of Palermo and at the Officina di Studi Medievali. In 2014-2015 she was part of the Oasis project "Understanding Hybridization, Governing Change". She currently teaches at the Catholic University of Milan and she is a regular contributors to various language schools. She is part of the 2017 Oasis project "In Search of a Leader. Authority in Contemporary Islam".
The authors' biography is up-to-date as of the date the last article was published

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