
Alessia Melcangi

Alessia Melcangi

Alessia Melcangi is Research Fellow at the Department of Social and Economic Sciences of the Sapienza University of Rome, and works with the Center for Research on the Southern System and the Wider Mediterranean System of the Catholic University, Milan. She was Research Fellow at the University of Catania. For years, her research has focused on Middle Eastern contemporary history, with particular attention given to the social and political dynamics of Egypt. Among her recent works:  I copti nell’Egitto di Nasser. Tra politica e religione (1952-1970) (Carocci, 2017), and North African Societies after the Arab Spring: Between Democracy and Islamic Awakening, (ed.), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016.


The authors' biography is up-to-date as of the date the last article was published

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