
Riccardo Redaelli

Riccardo Redaelli

Riccardo Redaelli is the director of the Middle East Program at the Landau Network - Centro Volta (LNCV) in Como, as well as Associate Professor of History of Civilizations and Political Culture and of Geopolitics at the Catholic University of the S. Heart of Milan. Since 2005 he is the scientific coordinator of a program of Human-Capacity building and Scientific-Academic Cooperation with the Iraqi University system, sponsored by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Member of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Center for the Peace in the Middle East (CIPMO, Milan), he is one of the founding member of the scientific association Asia Major and Associate Researcher at the Institute for International Politics Studies (ISPI, Milan). During the ‘90s, he carried out extensive field-works in Pakistan, Iran and Xinjiang. His current research-projects focus on contemporary history, international politics, geopolitical and ethno-political dynamics in South-West Asian Countries and in the Gulf.

The authors' biography is up-to-date as of the date the last article was published

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