
Souad Al-Hakim

Souad Al-Hakim

Souad al-Hakim is Professor of Philosophy at the Lebanese University. She also teaches a course on Sufism at the Institute of Eastern Literature and the Institute of Muslim-Chritian Studies of the Saint-Joseph University, Beirut. She received her PhD in Islamic Philosophy in 1977 from Saint-Joseph University. From 2007 to 2010 she was Director of the Higher Institute of the Doctoral School in Humanities and Social Sciences at the Lebanese University. In 2013 she was awarded the Tarjuman prize by MIAS-Latina. Among her most recent publications: Abū-l-‘Alā’ al-Ma‘arrī, bayna bahr al-shi‘r wa yābisat al-nās [Abū-l-‘Alā’ al-Ma‘arrī, between the Sea of Poetry and the Land of Men] (2003), Tāj al-‘Ârifīn, Al-Junayd al-Baghdādī, Al-A‘māl al-kāmila [The Gnostics’ Crown: Al-Junayd al-Baghdādī,the complete works] (2004).

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