
Angelo Scola

Angelo Scola

Emeritus Archbishop of Milan, former Patriarch of Venice from 2002 to June 2011, created Cardinal on 21st October 2003, Angelo Scola is President of the Oasis International Foundation. Ordained priest in 1970, following his degree in Philosophy and the Doctorate in Theology, taught Theological Anthropology at the John Paul II Pontifical Institute at the Pontifical Lateran University from 1982 to 1995. Appointed Bishop of Grosseto in 1991. From 1995 to 2002 he was Rector of the Pontifical Lateran University and Director of the Pontifical John Paul II Institute. He is Member of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Congregation for the Clergy, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of Sacraments, the Congregation for the Oriental Churches, the Prefecture for Economic Affairs of the Holy See, the Pontifical Council for the Family, the Pontifical Council for the Laity, the Pontifical Council for Culture and the Pontifical Council for the new Evangelization.
He was General Speaker for the XI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in October 2005. He is the author of numerous volumes, the most recent of which include: Uomo-donna: il “caso serio” dell’amore, 2002; Eucaristia: incontro di libertà, 2005; Chi è la Chiesa? Una chiave antropologica e sacramentale per l’ecclesiologia, 2005; Una nuova laicità. Temi per una società plurale, 2007; Buone ragioni per una vita in comune, 2010. On June the 5th he received the honoris causa Ph.D from the University of Babes-Bolyai in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

The authors' biography is up-to-date as of the date the last article was published

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