
Britta Frede

Britta Frede

Britta Frede is a specialist on Islamic studies focusing on social transformation, translocal connections and Islam in Africa since 1800. She obtained a PhD from the Freie Universität, Berlin with a thesis on the history of the Tijāniyya in Mauritania and the spread of a revival movement (Faida) among the well-established local Tijānī elite. Her work received two awards (Hedwig Hinze Women Scholars Prize, 2013 and Annemarie Schimmel Prize, 2015). Since 2012 her focus has shifted to female Islamic scholars in contemporary urban settings of Africa (Nouakchott, Mombasa and Cape Town). She currently holds a position at Bayreuth university (Germany) in the research cluster Africa Multiple.

The authors' biography is up-to-date as of the date the last article was published

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