This article was published in Oasis 11. Read the table of contents

Last update: 2022-04-22 09:42:57

Recently there has been a lot of talk about issues relative to the Muslim world and the many problems concerning the way in which a meeting is possible – and to be hoped for – between different standpoints which not only does not take anything away from anyone, but which are able, on the other hand, to add something. One of the central hubs of the recent wave of Muslim immigration to Europe is undoubtedly that of the mosque and its place in the social, cultural, economic and political context of the host country. It is one of the most greatly felt problems of the Muslim communities and as such it is right to deal with it, perhaps starting with the simplest question: what is a mosque? To continue your reading buy the hard copy issue or subscribe to read all the articles. Photographs courtesy of Giovanni Curatola. *Giovanni Curatola (Florence, 1953) is an Orientalist who studied at the Venetian School of Ca’ Foscari, and specialised in London and Oxford. Full Professor of Archaeology and History of Art at the University of Udine, he also lectures at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan. His numerous publications include Tappeti (1981), Le arti nell’Islam (1990) and Iran. L’arte Persiana (with G. Scarcia, 2004) and the volume edited by him, Iraq. L’arte dai sumeri ai califfi (2006).
