
Francesco Botturi

Francesco Botturi

Francesco Botturi is full Professor of Philosophical Anthropology and Moral Philosophy at the Catholic University of Milan. In the same university, he obtained the degree on Philosophy in 1970, and carried on his studies in the Religious Sciences Department, from 1970 to 1974. From 1979 to 1995 he taught Philosophy of History and he was also Full Professor of Moral Philosophy at the University of Lecce, from 1990 to 1995. He is the director of two series on Moral Philosophy and co-director of the Annuario di Etica. Among his publications: Sapienza e storia. Giambattista Vico e la filosofia pratica (1991); Tempo, linguaggio, azione. Linee vichiane della “storia ideale eterna” (1996); La generazione del bene. Gratuità ed esperienza morale (2009). Moreover, he wrote several essays on the connections between epistemology and ethics.

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