
Paolo Gomarasca

Paolo Gomarasca

Paolo Gomarasca is a researcher in moral philosophy at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan. His research interests centre around the subject of inter-subjective relations from the anthropological point of view and the point of view of social ethics. His publications include: Rosmini e la forma morale dell’essere (1998); Il linguaggio del male (2001); I confini dell’altro. Etica dello spazio multiculturale, (2004); La ragione negli affetti. Radice comune di logos e pathos, (2007); Meticciato: convivenza o confusione? (2009). Since 2010 he is member of the Center for Anthropology of religion and cultural change (ARC) and teacher at the ISFI (Instute of Philosophical Study - Theology Faculty of Lugano).  

The authors' biography is up-to-date as of the date the last article was published

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