Last update: 2022-04-22 09:52:33

Milan 5-7 September 2004

The 18th edition of the international ecumenical and inter-religious meeting took place in Milan. The Community of St. Egidio promotes the meeting every year in a different city. Exponents from institutions, civil society and religious communities from many countries contributed to the forum, which dealt with themes such as the meeting of civilizations, dialogue among laypersons and believers, the frontiers of ecumenism, and the possible developments in the relationship between European Islam and democracy. In the final ceremony, Andrea Riccardi invited people to live diversity not as a curse but rather as the beginning of a path towards dialogue. Card. Tettamanzi, Archbishop of Milan, reminded us that peace is a gift from God and religious freedom in every Country is the foundation and the protection of authentic freedom for all people.